Our Belief: “If we help enough people to achieve their dreams! We can achieve our dreams!


CGN International where your dreams turns up (action place). We at CGN International have built a next generation business model to support the people who thrive for success in their personal and professional life. For us to get here took “lot of twist and turns” for this “BIG IDEA”. We would love to help people achieve their dreams if they have the real desire and passion to get their dreams to action. Our team compromising of aspirant people backed with three decades of experience in Networking with people, Training, mentoring, promotions, Event & Product launches. is an online shopping community where every individual has a dual advantage of online shopping and team development.


What we do: Well, we share “The BIG Idea” and help the big idea work wonders in their life with their support

BIG IDEA = “SECRET of Success”


We are down to earth people & we value human relationships, hence we have formed a community that helps individual to groom themselves personally & professionally. We are committed to help every individual’s growth since our belief says so. We take pride & remain focused on our role as Trainers, mentors, counselors, advisors administrators, facilitators, and a support service provider for our clients and promoters.


Why be a part of us: We pride in ourselves being a youthful and forward thinking management company that embraces innovation, takes advantage of cutting-edge Internet strategies and international network of affiliates,  understanding the valuable knowledge we can gain from industry veterans, and all time listeners.

  • Learn creative planning and working style
  • Strategic business approaches
  • Financial freedom & planning
  • Get trained & train people



To help fulfilling million dream through a community



Through personalised training, mentoring, latest technology, upgrading our product and services frequently